
Thursday, July 29, 2010

6 month outtakes

This month's photo was incredibly difficult to capture. I had a hard enough time getting her to stay put let alone getting her to look at the camera while setting up a frame similar to last month's. Everytime I set her down by the bears and stepped back to snap a picture, I would get this:

or this:

"Get me outta here!" 

Point of Reference: 6 Months

3 Weeks
3 Months
4 Months
5 months
6 months

Eisley is 6 months old today!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mutually Amused

We'll probably cringe when we watch this one in 20 years. 

Growth Spurt

I'm thinking Eisley's going through a growth spurt. She'll be 6 months old in just 3 days and already she's stretching her 6 month outfits to capacity. The vast majority of the clothes we received at our baby shower and when Eisley was born were in the 3-6 month range. Over the past 3 months, we could dress her in a different outfit every day and not have to do laundry for a month or more. Now that she's moving into the 6-12 month sizes, I'm facing the possibility of having to go baby clothes shopping for the first time.

She just seems so BIG lately. We get comments all the time on how "long" she seems for a 6 month old, and all that length is funneled into her arms and legs as well. We used to be able to hold her up in the air with one hand and her arms and legs would just sort of stick straight out. Now they are bendy and gangly and typically fighting to wrap themselves around us. She's always reaching and grabbing with those arms, kicking with those legs, squirming and wriggling on the changing table and arching her back, lurching forward to escape our arms. She's a highly physical little girl.

Already, she's crawling. She started doing this at around 5 1/2 months. There is still a considerable amount of faceplant involved in the crawling process, but she knows how to get from point A to point B, and doesn't hesitate to do so if point B involves something she wants. A week or so ago we had her lying on a blanket as we decorated the school gym for day camp. We were cutting out paper and she WANTED IT. Every 2 seconds, it seemed, we were picking her up and placing her back on the far end of the blanket because she kept crawling over and cramming our decorations in her slobbery mouth.

Her other physical skills include sitting up, which she can almost do from a straight lying-down position. If she's at a slight reclining angle in our arms or on the couch, she can easily pull her body to a sitting position, and from there to a crawling position. She rolls over not just on flat surfaces, but is also adept at squirming and rolling in almost any direction in order to get away from us or toward something she wants. She's starting to pull herself to a standing position on low objects, and has succeeded a few times. It may be time to lower her crib mattress even further.

Eisley's not just getting bigger and stronger, she's getting smarter and more social too. She babbles almost constantly now, and it's often conversationally, with accompanying expressions that imply she is telling us something very important. She plays little games and has developed a sense of humor. Peek-a-boo is definitely hilarious now, as are tickling, funny sounds, and the dog. She likes to reach out and grab a fist full of our skin or pull our hair and then laughs maniacally. We're working on that one.

She's become more aware of people and takes awhile to warm up to new faces. She often plays the "shy" game, burying her face into mom or dad's shoulder when a new person walks up and says hello. When people have interesting facial features, such as a mustache or glasses, she finds them particularly intriguing.

Eisley's two bottom teeth have grown in almost fully, and she's now using them to explore different foods. We're letting her explore various healthy foods at her own pace, and she doesn't hesitate to reach out and grab for our plates. So far, she loves pears but hates avocado. She has only ingested a very tiny amount of each, and has fun making a huge mess in the process.

30 seconds with Eisley taken just 10 minutes ago:

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A little person

Eisley is full of life lately. She's her own little person. She makes the funniest little expressions, babbles away, claws at things she wants, slaps her hands on things in front of her, shrieks, inspects her environment carefully, scoots across the floor on her stomach, and tries to pull herself up to a standing position using whatever happens to be in front of her, including the hardcover board books we read to her. It seems like every day she's doing something new. I capture a few things on video and when I finally get around to wanting to post them, she's already moved on to doing much cooler things and the video starts to seem a little lame. One of these days I'll manage to put up a video that's current. 

We took Eisley to her first Brewer's game last week and she was asleep by the third inning! :-p

I wish I could fully capture the weird and funny faces she makes. It's like she's got some inside joke she's not telling us. 

Here Eisley was trying my hair on for size.

Lookin' good!

She's able to really concentrate on things now, and you can see her little brain working to figure out the world while she explores it with her hands (and mouth).

No matter how entertaining the world is, however, I think the dog will always win. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


We finally got a picture of those pesky teeth!

They're awfully cute, but we're trying to discourage her from using them on other people.

We weren't going to buy one of these but grandpa C found one for 3 dollars at a garage sale, so...guess what is currently taking over our living room?
At least one of us likes it. 

Saturday, July 3, 2010

4th of July

This outfit is only relevant one time of year, which means: she'll likely be wearing it all weekend.

Happy Fourth of July!
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